Tuesday, July 20, 2010


why hello there bloggers! my name is nicole im 19 years old and currently attending Anthem Institute in Jersey City,NJ. Even though ill be done next week :) yaaa! anyways, this first blog post is probably just goin to be a little bio about me and my life. so lets get started! i live in the wackiest town ever! i swear i hate it here. all there is is drama and sluts everywhere! the only people that keep me sane in this town is my family, my bf, and my best friend. dont worry ill get into detail about them. ive known my bf since 7th grade but didnt start dating til the summer of 06. he use to be the most annoying kid i know in school but then i got to see the other side of him when he isnt around his friends. i swear he really is my other half hes so sweet hes my best friend, the love of my life my everything. i dont know what i would do without him hes seriously been the only person in my life whos been with me thru everything. i can talk to him about anything and everything and hes always there to listen. he really is the greatest bf ever :) yea so i have a crazy loud puerto rican family that i wouldnt trade for anything no matter how much they can get on my nerves. ummm yea so much for a little bio right lol well i guess thats all i have to say o0o yea i also love dogs my 2 dogs princess and pebbles are my babies :) bye!

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